Pain Points

 If you want to grow your business and attract more customers, you need to understand what problems they are facing and how you can help them solve them. This is where audience pain points come in.


Audience pain points are the specific challenges or frustrations that your target market experiences in various contexts. They are the reasons why they need your product or service, and why they would choose you over your competitors.


But how do you find out what your audience's pain points are? And how do you use them to your benefit in your business? 


1. Ask them directly. One of the simplest and most effective ways to discover your audience's pain points is to ask them directly. You can do this through surveys, interviews, feedback forms, social media polls, or any other method that allows you to communicate with them. Ask open-ended questions that let them share their stories and experiences, such as "What was your biggest challenge when you came to me, and how is it going now?" or "What are some of the goals or outcomes that you want to achieve with my product or service?"

2. Sift through blog comments. Another way to find out what your audience's pain points are is to look at what they are saying on your blog or other blogs in your niche. Blog comments can reveal a lot about what your audience is struggling with, what they are looking for, and what they appreciate or dislike about your content or products. Pay attention to the questions they ask, the complaints they make, and the suggestions they offer.


3. Evaluate customer reviews. Customer reviews are another valuable source of information about your audience's pain points. You can look at reviews on your own website, social media pages, online platforms, or third-party sites like Amazon or Yelp. Look for patterns and themes in what your customers are saying, both positive and negative. What are they happy about? What are they unhappy about? What are they wishing for?


4. Use keyword research tools. Keyword research tools can help you find out what your audience is searching for online, and what kind of problems they are trying to solve. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or AnswerThePublic to find out what keywords and phrases your audience is using, and what questions they are asking related to your niche. This can give you insights into their pain points, as well as ideas for content topics and headlines.


5. Analyze competitor content. Another way to find out what your audience's pain points are is to analyze what your competitors are doing with their content. Look at their blogs, social media posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks, webinars, or any other type of content they produce. What topics are they covering? What angles are they taking? What gaps are they leaving? How are they addressing their audience's pain points? How can you do it better?


6. Create buyer personas. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data and research. They help you understand who your audience is, what they want, and how they behave. To create buyer personas, you need to gather as much information as possible about your audience's demographics, psychographics, goals, challenges, motivations, preferences, and behaviors.


7. Use pain points in your marketing strategy. Once you have identified your audience's pain points, you can use them to your benefit in your business by incorporating them into your marketing strategy. 

You can use pain points to:



By using pain points in your marketing strategy, you will relate to your audience and here at HGS we can help achieve that for you and them. Contact us today at (302) 434-9008 !